In this section you can learn about te most frequently asked questions


Each of our dog sitters is carefully selected, has a clean criminal record and is reliably vetted. They sign a standard contract and also a material responsibility contract. A dog sitter also sends you messages about your pets with a carefully made photo collage, which is also shared with a supervisor. Moreover, you will meet the dog sitter personally before the dog sitting starts.

Your keys will only be available to the agency personnel. Of course, we will always do our best to send only one dog sitter to your place, but if it is necessary (for instance if the dog sitter gets ill or there is too much workload, etc.), another member of our vetted staff will be sent to sit your dog after consulting with you.

We recommend ordering dog walking as far ahead as possible, so that we are able to find a dog sitter for you in time. Please, order dog sitting no later than 7 days before you need it to start. If you don’t, we cannot guarantee we will have enough available staff. 

The frequency of visits depends on the needs of each individual dog and therefore it is not possible to set a universal number of visits for all animals. If you need your dog to be taken for a walk always on the same day of the week (for instance due to long working hours), we recommend one longer visit so that the walk is sufficient. If you are going on a holiday and need to leave your dog at home, the minimal recommended frequency of visits is twice a day (e.g. one longer and one shorter visit). All kinds of visits can be combined as you wish. Nevertheless, your dog has to be used to being alone and it is up to your discretion what frequency is sufficient.  

To make sure that your possessions are safe, we try to take all possible measures, including safe return of keys to you personally. For this reason, we do not accept requests for your keys to be left in your mailbox or even in your flat. 

We always try our best to make sure you are satisfied, however, if your expectations are not met even though you have expressed your requirements regarding dog walking clearly, we will offer you an adequate compensation.


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